Hardest truth of life
- Gentlemen don't exist.
- Great things take time.
- If you’re good at something, do it for free first.
- Do more than what’s expected.
- Education system in India.
- Grades have got nothing to do with success.
- Self Respect first.
- Respect> Love.
- Everything big in life starts small.
- Be original.
- Money matters!
- Falling in love.
- Knowledge is belief, nothing more.
- Caste system will never be abolished in India.
- Trying again over Giving up.
- Importance – Money, Love, Family, Career, Friends.
- Find a reason to wake up in the morning and there will be a purpose in your life.
- One day, you will die.
- Everyone lies.
- How do you use your time.
- Education has become a business.
- Being busy doesn’t mean you are being productive.
- Heartbreaks have become common.
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